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Jobs and Careers

College and University Recruitment Services
NC3 Campus recruitment services
OCR Providing Employers with Customized College Recruitment Services
Job Searching and Job Posting Services
ACS Chemical & Engineering jobs
Biohealthmatics Biomedical informatics career portal
Bioinformatics Bioinformatics jobs
BiologyJobs.com For job seekers and employers who are specifically interested in the Life Sciences
BioSpace BioSpace career center - biotechnology and pharmaceutical jobs
CareerBuilder.com All fields
Careerjet.com All fields
ExecutiveBiosearch Scientific and healthcare industry in all functional disciplines
Experteer Jobs in the UK and across Europe
FASEB Federation of American societies for experimental biology - career resources
JamminJobs.com All fields, Jobs and information site.
Jobs for Scientist Specifically for research and development, chemists, life scientists, and engineers
Job-hunt Directory of internet and web career and employment resources
JobsOnline.com All fields
Job Options Job database and recruitment resources


Jobs in Asia-Pacific. All fields.
Jobvertise Free job and resume database
A service of the National Association of Colleges and Employers
Laguna Source BioPharma National search firm specializing in biopharmaceutical, healthcare, biotechnology, etc.
Scientific Recruitment specialist
LifeScienceJobs Life Science Jobs
LifeSciencesWorld Life Science Jobs
HealthCare Job.com Health care job search engine
MedJobCity Job site for healthcare industry including biotechnology industry
MedSearch Monster.com healthcare - find a job in healthcare
Medzilla Biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, science, medicine and healthcare
Monster.com All fields
NatureJobs Careeer information from the publishere of Nature Journal
Biotechnology search and consulting
PharmaceuticalSalesCareer.com Careers in pharmaceuticals sales
Pharma Opportunities Pharma, Biotech, Science, Pharmacy, Medical Equipment, sales jobs
Jobs for PhDs
PostJobFree Post and Search Jobs and Resumes for Free
Resumes2work All areas Resumes - Job Search - Jobs Database
Science Careers Science Careers
Search and Placement/Recruitment Services (Head Hunters)
Apple & Associates Specializes in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industries
Commonwealth Sciences A Boston area recruiting firm specializing in the life sciences
Besen Associates Executive recruiting firm in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
BioQuest Specializing in senior management positions in biotech and healthcare services industries.
Executive andOrganizational Coaching & Consulting
Executive Placement in Biotech and Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical, biotechnology, life science and nonprofit organizations
Diedre Moire Search and placement service firm
DJK Partners Life Sciences - middle and upper management positions
Specializing in the placement of healthcare professionals
Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical and Bio Pharmaceutical  marketplace
Euromedica Specializing in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, diagnostics, and medical devices
Executive Biosearch Professional positions in the scientific/healthcare industry in all functional disciplines
HCI Healthcare Opportunities
Kincannon &Reed International executive search in food, agribusiness and life sciences
Kinetica Molecular biology recruitment
Lennon Search Associates Specializing in placing candidates in the Biotech, informatics, etc
Madison-Davis Group Executive search firm which specialize in many areas
NSA Biotech, pharmaceutical, software development, medical devices and telecommunications
Phil Ellis Associates Pharmaceutical, medical device, and biotechnology search and recruiting
SrClarke Several areas
SHS Careers in Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotechnology, etc
The Chase Group Specializing in biomedical and pharmaceutical placement
Travis & Company Specializing in medical devices, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

A recruitment agency for medical sales jobs

Other Services
CareerPerfect Premier resume writing services
Peterson's ResumeEdge

Executive Resume Service - Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical

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