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Other Resources

Patent Information:
CAMBIA IP Resources
Derwent.com Patent and scientific information
EspAceNet European patent information
Free Patents Online
Full text of US patents from number 4000000 to 6862742
PatentCafe Chat & discussion, magazine, shop cafemall, digital rights mgmt, patent search
United States Patent and Trademark Office

Clinical Trials:
Cancer Clinical Trials Current information about cancer clinical research studies
Clinical Trails Clinical trials information from NIH
HIV/SIV Vaccine Trials
HIV / SIV Clinical trial database

Gene Ontology:
GO consortium Produce a dynamic controlled vocabulary that can be applied to all eukaryotes

Biology Related Links:
101Science.com A science web directory
Analysis Tools Links to several analysis and bioinformatics tools
BiochemInfo.org! Resources about biochemistry and its closely related fields
Biolink.org Linked biology
Biolinks Internet search engine designed by scientists, for scientists
Biology Web Directory
World wide web index project
BioNetBook A directory of web pages for biology
BioScience Links Links to several biology related topics
BioWurld Searchable index of resources in bioinformatics & molecular biology at EBI
Cells Alive!
Images of living cells
CMS-MBR UCSD San Diego supercomputer center molecular biology resources
CynoSite A webserver for cyanobacterial research
Genome Centers The human genome centers A-Z list
Human Genome Project Links to lots of inoformation related to genomics
LabVelocity Biotechnology and life science links
Lab Rat An information center for scientists, researchers and lab rats alike
Microbes.info The microbiology information portal
MolecularUniverse Information on molecules and molecular systems
NetVet Extensive links to veterinary and rodent information
Large collections of recorded physiologic signals and related open-source software
The Biologist Molecular biology places of interest
Useful Links The really quite useful molecular biology page

Chemistry Related Links:
ChemConnect The world chemical exchange
Chemistry Hypermedia Project Online chemistry resources
ChemSoc Chemical science network
ChemWeb Chemistry information

Genomics and Bioinformatics Research Labs
EMBL European molecular biology laboratory
EMBL-EBI European bioinformatics institute
GenomeNet Institute for chemical research, Kyoto university, Japan 
GIRI Genetic information research institute
Harvard Lipper center for computational genetics
INCOGEN The institute of computational genomics
Indiana University The center for genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics
KDRI Kazusa DNA research institute, Japan
LBNL Michael Eisen's lab LBNL
NASA Ames center for bioinformatics
NCBI National center for biotechnology information
Rockefeller Rockefeller university computing services
UPENN University of Pennsylvania computational biology and informatics lab
UTHSCSA University of Texas health science center at San Antonio
Wash U. Washington university - Merck EST project 
Whitehead Institute Whitehead institute at MIT

Dictionaries, Thesaurus and Encyclopedias
Encyclopedia Britannica Encyclopedia britannica
Encyclopedia of Lifesciences Life Science information from Nature Publishing Group
Language Dictionaries Links to dictionaries in several languages
Roget's Thesaurus Search the headwords or full text of Roget's Thesaurus
Your Dictionary Look  up any word anywhere, multilingual too

1Up Health
Health related information
Info about US federal government grants
Acronyms and Abbreviations Searchable database of acronyms and abbreviations
Statistical Methods Web pages where you can learn an perform statistical calculations! 
Currency Converter The universal currency converter
MedicineNet Disease and medical information
PathWeb  An excellent site for diseaes, pathology and imaging resources
AminoAcids Physical, chemical and structural information on amino acid
Statistics Online Compute Resources
Journal of Improbable Research Journal of Improbable Research
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